As many of you know I was never able to have children because of my early onset of Polycistic Ovaries. I must admit at first it really did not sink in because I was not married and I did not want to raise a child by myself. (I think being a single parent would be the hardest job in the world) Since I cannot have children maybe this is why I love teaching children. I have said before in this blog how much I enjoy my job but I do not know if I would be a good teacaher and parent. Today some students were stroking my ego and I realize that the little things I do sometimes seems like a very big thing to a student. (Jordan Valley Student Body pictured to the right)

For Example:
I try to greet every student as they enter my class. A good morning or good afternoon always brings a smile to their face. Asking them how their day is going or how was lunch also are good conservation starters. At the end of class I always tell my studentsto have a good rest of the day. I call them dear and sweetie and I always tell them to drive carefully if I know they are going somewhere.
I have been know to give my students Nike stuff. (Thank you Michelle!)I found some Nike lanyards that I had at the house and I brought them to school. The kids loved them. By the end of the day most of the students had USB drives and keys on a new black Nike lanyard. Of course if they wanted one they had to set a school goal and meet it!
I have also been known to by treats. This week it was strawberries. It is true that young kids will eat fruit. All you have to do is give it to them.
When I was in town on Monday a student asked if I could pick up a bag of dog food. No big deal since I was going anyways. You would think that I saved her dogs lives. She told me that I do to much for the kids and her dogs. I never really gave it much thought in this town it is comman to pick things up for neighbors.
Today was really something special. About 20 years or so a go one of my former students was serving in Operation Desert Storm. As a typing assignment I had my students type letters and prepare care packages for this student. As a daughter of a career marine I realized how nice it is for them to get letters from home. This morning the son of this past student told me that his dad saved every one of the letters that my class wrote. I was so surprised that he saved the letters. I never really thought that such a small task would be so special.
Now of course I sound like a real hero in these stories which I do not mean to do. I feel like I am just doing little things but sometimes they really make someone feel special. I tell my students that when you give you get back much more than you give. I have found this not only with my students but with all of you wonderful neices and newphews. A babysitter book here and there, or maybe a quilt or cross stich. Or maybe a trip to the beach or a movie. These seem such a little jester but the looks of surprise of yo
ur faces are priceless!!!

Thank you all for the love and respect that you have given me over the years. I am so blessed to call you family!!