1. Last week my student Matt returned to school. It is amazing that just 3 months after his stroke he is back at school. Getting around is not a big problem. He has a cane that he will use some of time but he does not need it all the time. His arm is still not used much. I noticed that when he sits he will stretch out his hand. He is at school 2 days a week and then he go to physical therapy the other 3 days. His biggest problem is still talking. He knows what he wants to say but it is hard for his to say or write it. He does have a word book and he will show me what he wants to say. Today for the first time he used the computer. He played a game but at least he was using the mouse and keyboard. It is amazing how people can recover.
2. In Personal Finance the students were to do a worksheet on simple interest. However the conservation centered around Big Foot, Spider Bears, and other creatures of the real or unreal world.
3. A student was telling me today that when a cow has not feed her calf you can tell because it looks like her bag is going to burst. I guess this student has a cow like this during the weekend. He looked in the field for the calf to no success. The next day he was ridding his four wheeler and found the calf. It had fallen in a badger hole and all he could see was the calf's head. He got the calf out of the hole and took him back to his mother. Everything was doing good however this morning he again notice that the cow's bag was full and the calf was no where to be found. The kids tell me that cows are dumb. I am thinking that they may be right.
4. The middle kids won their ball game this weekend against Harper. The high school also won. They even got to eat at Subway on the way home. If you live in a town with no fast food this really is a treat.
5. The kids are on the mend. However some are still sick with colds. I have them all sit as far from me as possible.
6. We had snow this morning. Last week we had lost of sunshine. I guess it still is winter but.....
7. Health is learning about eating right. We researched fad diets last week. The most interesting according to the kids was the tape worm diet. It is when you eat a tape worm so you will loose weight. Why anyone would go to this extreem is strange. The kids say it must be true because it is on the internet.
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