Wednesday, March 2, 2011

24 hours in Jordan Valley

During the last 24 hours a lot of things have happened. I guess it is the time of year but here are the highlights.

1. We had snow. Again. Eventho it is just a couple inches it is the bitter wind that makes the day rough. I have new windows in my classroom but they do not shut all the way so when the wind blows we all are reminded that it is not spring yet.

2. Student saves calf: Last night about 11:00 pm one of my students went to check on a cow that he figured would have her calf soon. When he got out there the calf was laying in a pile of snow. Why the cow did not think to have the calf a few feet to the right or left on dry ground my student did not know. The calf was still wet and was freezing so my student took the calf inside to warm it up by the fire. After the calf was dried and warmed up my student returned the calf to his mother. The mother was angry and ran after my student. It was a good thing he was on a 4 wheeler because he said that he would not have been able to out run the cow. I guess even mommy cows are protective of their young. All are doing well.

3. The Jordan Valley school district has an outbreak of Lice. About 12 students were sent home fromt he high school and elemetry school because they had head lice. The high school kids were excited to miss school. According to them it is better than a snow day. They were told to stay home until they long longer had any lice. It can take up to 7 days to get rid of the lice and eggs. They may be excited now but wait until they see all the school work they will be missing.

4. Track began. It was not nice according to the students to run in the wind and snow. Today should be better.

5. I went to town (Nampa) to pick up some medicine. The doctor's office called in the wrong amount so the pharmacy was not able to fill it. 120 miles round trip just to find out that there was a mistake. I did make good use of my time and go food shopping. I got the kids some drinks (gatorade, juce, and Ice sparkleing water), muffins and candy. They were on a surger high today. I spoiled them and then sent them to their next class. Kinda like being an Aunt or Grandmother!

6. My students and I hope that tomorrow is a better day!!


Michelle & Luke said...

i love jordan valley updates! They are the best!! no one ever saves cows in milwaukie- but tell your kids a 3 legged coyote was running down my street last week! it was SO fast!!! even though it was missing a leg. i wonder how it lost the leg!

Patty Stephens said...

oh Lice outbreaks are the worst!! Hopefully it gets under control. :( LOVE your updates!!

Unknown said...

I cannot wait to visit! What a stud your student is to save a cow!

Too bad you had to drive 120 miles for your meds! Maybe Jordan Valley should expand =)