I really have not been doing anything special. It was summer break and I do not have regular access to the internet. I know not a good excuse but let me catch you up.
Here are the five "Ellis" kids on the right. And below are all the grandkids (missing Meagan and Trish) and great grand kids.
Here is Johonna holding her brother Baylor. Right after this picture Johonna pushed Baylor on to the pillow when her mother asked what surprises Aunt Laurie brought.
My big events for the summer were two trips to Portland. The first was to see my brother, his wife and son and everyone else. We do keep in touch online but is it nice to have a hug.
My sister Nancy hosted a dinner and baby shower for her daughters.
Below is little Johonna showing her doll the cake. Johonna is into frosting.
My second trip was to meet my Great Newphew Baylor Blitz. It has been a long time since I have held a day old baby. His head is so small and perfect I gave him my nickname of
BB. I am sure it will not last. On the right is me and little Baylor.
My second trip was to meet my Great Newphew Baylor Blitz. It has been a long time since I have held a day old baby. His head is so small and perfect I gave him my nickname of
Below is the new family. Luke Baylor, Johonna and Michelle Middlebrooks.
Now for Jordan Valley:
School has started again in Jordan Valley. This is day 3 with students and we already have a lice breakout. The student response to this news was Ohhhh. Kept them away from us. I must agree with them.
The students think that summer was too short. I was shocked that they did not miss me at all. I am not sure that I really missed them. I do have many that kept in touch during the summer through texting. Maybe this is why I did not miss them.
Before school started we have a major fire about 10 miles out of town. The school grounds were full of US Forest Fire crews. (eventho we do not have trees) One of my students was telling me today that they lost 3 cows that were not able to get out of the way of the fire. So sad!!
The fair and rodeo in Boise are keeping the students up to late. After pratice they head out to the city to enjoy the events. When I asked them why the response was "Girls" That is a teenage boys mind for ya.
Good news is that cattle prices are way up!! To some of my seniors that plan to take over their family ranches next year this means lots of money. At least until the cattle prices go back down then they will give the ranches back to their parents and look for gold somewhere else.
After 3 short days the students are already complaining about hot lunch. Tacos, Spaghetti, and today Hot Dogs are not what they are hungry for. One girl said today I am glad I have peanut butter and jelly for lunch. I am just glad that I always go home for lunch.
This year we have more students. We have 13 in the middle school, 6 in the freshmen class, 4 in the sophomore (they have one girl now. Homecoming is looking hopeful for a princess) 6 juniors, and 8 seniors. Grand total 37 up from 26 last year.
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