Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jordan Valley Homecomming

This past week was homecomming. The longest week of the school year for the teachers. Instead of working all day, I have to cook dinner for my students, and then work until 8:00 pm on the float. It does sound worse then it really is. I find that it allows me to see my class in a different light. I get to see them as just regular kids not only students. This year I realized how much food 5 boys and 1 girl can eat. That saying about growing boys does fit my class of juniors.

During the school day the students dress in different outfits. Monday was PJ day, Tuesday was hillibilly day, Wednesday was pair day and Thrusday was spirit day. I do not remember doing this in high school but it is a big deal here. The winners of the days get $10.00 cash and the class that dresses the most get points for the class of the year. This year my group had 100% dress up each and every day.

The week started with cold and wet weather. So much for building a float outside. My group had a good idea but the big question was will it work. We spent the week working on the parts and pieces and then Friday morning right before the parade we put the float together. Dispite all of our hard work we got second place. This is the best that we have ever done. I am very proud of them.

The kids lost the football and the volleyball game but they did put up a fight.

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