The morning started with a wonderful sunrise. You never know will God will let you see the beauty of what he creted. When I got to school Iasked my first period class, the seniors, if they were excited. You can tell my Meagan's reaction that she was not excited.

You may have figured out that my juniors were the big winners. They are in first place for the class of the year which is their goal. The next event is the can food drive. To make things more exciting the class that brings the most food gets to hit thier advisor in the face with a cream pie. Don't worry becasue of my asthma the boss did not think I should take part, so if my class wins they will get to hit Mr. Usable in the face. I will be sure and let you know which class wins.
Following are pictures are of the different events. I am amazed what students will do. The picture below shows the quick change basketball shot. One boy from each class runs down the court changes into the clothes that are in the sleeping bag and takes the ball and runs down to the other end of the court and makes a basket. The first to do all of this is the winner. The sleeping bags are provided so the boys will change inside the bag, over the years the boys have become braver. I do not think any of then used the sleeping bags. The few girls in the school did not mind. The winner was the freshman class.
The next event was the sling shot. The picture shows my Junior class. Some one from the class sits on the schooter and two others use a sheet to sling him down the gym floor. My junior class won this event. Our smallest sat on the schooter and two others flung him down the court.
The event below is the bat drill race. A team of four is used for this event. One at a time someone runs down the court to the bat, spins around 3 thimes and then runs back and tags the next person in line. This is Blane showing his skills. My juniors won this event as well.
We do have some events that turn my stomach and the whip cream chug is one of them. A team of four stands in a circle and chugs from the whip cream can. The the whistle blows they pass the can to their team mate. Since my Junior boys have huge empty stomachs they won this event.
This year we had a new event. It was called Beauty Contest. One boy from each class was dressed up into a dress, makeup, hair and accessories. They only had four mintues to complet the dressing process. Then each boy walked the runway posed. A group of parents were the judges. The first picture below is Tyrell the junior rep and then the next picture is Quin the senior. The freshman won and Tyrell was second.
The next event was the potato catch. One team member threw a potato and a second team member caught it in a garbage sack. Once again the Junior Class won.
This is another one of those events that turns my stomach. Some one lays on the floor with a cup in their mouth. The next team member stands on a chair and trys to drop an egg into the cup. Each class has 3 eggs and who ever gets the most egg stuff in their cup wins. The freshman class won this event.
A turky trot is not complete without the eatting ice cream with no hand as you lay on the floor. This is Ty and Blaine two of my empty stomach juniors. The of course won this event.
Pushing a penny across the floor with your nose. This is senior James. This was done right after the ice cream event and once again the Juniors won.

The last event of the day is the booty scoot. The entire class sits on the floor and connects legs. Then the scoot acroos the floor. The is a picture of the entire senior class (minus one) as they get ready to start this event. Yes we have only 8 students in the senior class. The junior class won this event. At the end of the race Ty said "I have the world's worse wedge"