Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summers Past

Well I just read Michelle's blog about Jo and her pool which brought tears to my eyes of summers gone by. Because there was a good size back yard at Granny's we enjoyed having the kids over during the summer. It is true that I woud warm up the water but as the kids grew older I grew smarter and I would hook the hose to the sink in the laundray room and fill the pool with warm water. It surprises me that this is something that Michelle remembers.
I went through some old pictures and picked out some of my favorites.

I think this was one of the best pools we had. The pink octupus gave Michell an instant friend. I think that it also lasted more than one season! Michelle liked to run and jump on the octupus.

Jack also loved the pool. He would laugh and splash! He usually wanted any toy he had in the pool. We had to watch the rag dolls. What a joy for both Granny and I to watch.

By the time Ashley came along the two older
kids could get a little out of hand in the pool. My time was spent making sure they did not smash her or something.
The summers of past were "good" times. The Sthepens kids brought a lot of joy to me and Granny. Watching them in the pool was a time to relax and forgot the stress of the day.
Love to you all!!


Patty Stephens said...

they were such CUTE kids!!

Michelle & Luke said...

ha! aunt laurie you should not be surprised i remember that. how about this: in the 3rd pic I'm wearing an "OP" swim suit that you bought me & i'm pretty sure it was from sears or jcpenny @ clackamas mall, and I lOOOOOVED that suit b/c of the colors & that it had that big cut out around my tummy. I LOVED that suit. and I LOVE you!!!