Thursday, December 8, 2011

Turkey Trots

Every year on the last day before Thanksgiving break we have a school competition called Turkey Trots. The students come up with a variety of events and we have are little red neck Turkey Trots. The students win points that count toward the class of the year. It also means that the kids get out of the last class of the day!!

The morning started with a wonderful sunrise. You never know will God will let you see the beauty of what he creted. When I got to school Iasked my first period class, the seniors, if they were excited. You can tell my Meagan's reaction that she was not excited.

Following are pictures are of the different events. I am amazed what students will do. The picture below shows the quick change basketball shot. One boy from each class runs down the court changes into the clothes that are in the sleeping bag and takes the ball and runs down to the other end of the court and makes a basket. The first to do all of this is the winner. The sleeping bags are provided so the boys will change inside the bag, over the years the boys have become braver. I do not think any of then used the sleeping bags. The few girls in the school did not mind. The winner was the freshman class.The next event was the sling shot. The picture shows my Junior class. Some one from the class sits on the schooter and two others use a sheet to sling him down the gym floor. My junior class won this event. Our smallest sat on the schooter and two others flung him down the court.

The event below is the bat drill race. A team of four is used for this event. One at a time someone runs down the court to the bat, spins around 3 thimes and then runs back and tags the next person in line. This is Blane showing his skills. My juniors won this event as well.

We do have some events that turn my stomach and the whip cream chug is one of them. A team of four stands in a circle and chugs from the whip cream can. The the whistle blows they pass the can to their team mate. Since my Junior boys have huge empty stomachs they won this event.This year we had a new event. It was called Beauty Contest. One boy from each class was dressed up into a dress, makeup, hair and accessories. They only had four mintues to complet the dressing process. Then each boy walked the runway posed. A group of parents were the judges. The first picture below is Tyrell the junior rep and then the next picture is Quin the senior. The freshman won and Tyrell was second.The next event was the potato catch. One team member threw a potato and a second team member caught it in a garbage sack. Once again the Junior Class won.This is another one of those events that turns my stomach. Some one lays on the floor with a cup in their mouth. The next team member stands on a chair and trys to drop an egg into the cup. Each class has 3 eggs and who ever gets the most egg stuff in their cup wins. The freshman class won this event.A turky trot is not complete without the eatting ice cream with no hand as you lay on the floor. This is Ty and Blaine two of my empty stomach juniors. The of course won this event. Pushing a penny across the floor with your nose. This is senior James. This was done right after the ice cream event and once again the Juniors won.

The last event of the day is the booty scoot. The entire class sits on the floor and connects legs. Then the scoot acroos the floor. The is a picture of the entire senior class (minus one) as they get ready to start this event. Yes we have only 8 students in the senior class. The junior class won this event. At the end of the race Ty said "I have the world's worse wedge"

You may have figured out that my juniors were the big winners. They are in first place for the class of the year which is their goal. The next event is the can food drive. To make things more exciting the class that brings the most food gets to hit thier advisor in the face with a cream pie. Don't worry becasue of my asthma the boss did not think I should take part, so if my class wins they will get to hit Mr. Usable in the face. I will be sure and let you know which class wins.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

What is a Chucker?

In response to my recent blog Michelle asked what a chucker is. From what the kids tell me it is a bird about the size of a chicken. I guess it does not taste like chicken. According to James it is more tender and juicy. Below is a picture. Even tho I have lived in Jordan Valley for 26 years I have never eaten a Chucker. (That I know of)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Story of the Day

The kids were talking about the 'good" Chicken Noodle Soup they had for lunch. One of my students said that his mom made the best Chucker Noodle Soup for dinner. He said that it was the best soup he had the only problem is that every once in awhile he would come across a bb.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Jett Becomes a Rancher

A couple months ago one of my 8th grade students was celebrating his birthday. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he told me he wanted to start a heard of cows but he needed someone to sell him or give him some cows. Since I did not have any extra in my inventory I told him to ask his dad. He said that he alrady had ask and his dad told him no because he was too young.

After talking about it for a while he decided to ask his grandfather. He was so scared because he figured his grandfather would say no too. A couple days later Jett came to class all excited. When I asked him what was up he said that his grandfather had give him 4 cows. In today's maket that is a lot of money. He was so exccited and told me all about his black cows. I told him congraluations you are a Rancher now and he replied Ya I guess so.

As a teacher it is times like this that are priceless. I had the honor to teach Jett's parents and now it is his turn. It is exciting to watch them grow and get excited about life. Will Jett be a Rancher in the future? I have no idea but he has a great start for an 8th grader.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Is it Winter???

The time has come when it is dark when I leave for school. I have to be at work at 7:45am and I leave my house at 7:40 am. Thank goodness there is no traffic in Jordan Valley. For the last couple weeks it has been dark until about half way through first period. The kids are complaining that it is too early in the year to be driving in the dark. Most of them have to drive more than I do to school and I do agree. I tell them it will be a little better when the time changes in a week or so. This morning it was 19 when I started my car and for a high it is to be in the 50's. Sounds like November not October. At least it is wonderful sunny not just warm.

One of my students tell me it is going to be a hard winter because the horses and cows are getting their winter coats in already. I do not mind the snow but I really do not like to drive long distances in it.

Last week was the end of the grading period and this week the kids are really crabby. They are tired of each other and can not wait until the weekend. The last football and volleyball games are this weekend. I think that this is why the kids are crabby. They have been spending too much time together.

Deer hunting season is over. Bit now is the start of Elk season. According to the 7th graders it is not cold enough for the elks to be around here so you have to travel to the top of the mountain. Sounds like fun but I am not planning on going with them. I will stay where it is warm.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jordan Valley Homecomming

This past week was homecomming. The longest week of the school year for the teachers. Instead of working all day, I have to cook dinner for my students, and then work until 8:00 pm on the float. It does sound worse then it really is. I find that it allows me to see my class in a different light. I get to see them as just regular kids not only students. This year I realized how much food 5 boys and 1 girl can eat. That saying about growing boys does fit my class of juniors.

During the school day the students dress in different outfits. Monday was PJ day, Tuesday was hillibilly day, Wednesday was pair day and Thrusday was spirit day. I do not remember doing this in high school but it is a big deal here. The winners of the days get $10.00 cash and the class that dresses the most get points for the class of the year. This year my group had 100% dress up each and every day.

The week started with cold and wet weather. So much for building a float outside. My group had a good idea but the big question was will it work. We spent the week working on the parts and pieces and then Friday morning right before the parade we put the float together. Dispite all of our hard work we got second place. This is the best that we have ever done. I am very proud of them.

The kids lost the football and the volleyball game but they did put up a fight.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What's Up in Jordan Valley

The mornings are getting colder and darker. A sure sign to the end of summer.

On my way to work this morning I saw a mother deer and her fawn down the block from my house. I stop and just watched them for a few minutes. The mother just looked at me as the fawn ran around trying the get the mother's attention. It must be getting colder in the mountains or hunting season. I think the deer know that they can not be shot in town even during hunting season.

The ranchers are bringing their cows home. During the summer months they let their cattle go onto BLM land so they can harvest their hay crop which is usually closer to the ranchers homes. Now that they have all the hay harvested it is time to bring the cows back home. This means more cows on the road so be aware when driving in south eastern Oregon. Hit a cow in open range and it can be expensive. (Not as expensive as Lizzy's German Cows Tho)

This week must be Air Force training time. Every day we have fighter jets flying low between the school and the little mountain(hill) in back of the school. The planes are so low that the kids can get a good look at them. When they hear the first one comming they all run to the windows. Usually they miss the first one but they are in position to see the next two that are following close by. I guess our country side is great to teach the pilots how to drop into canyons and then pull up. The kids are so impressed. One said yesterday these planes are better than the ones on the computer games. Today one of my Juniors was in the bathroom and he said I thought it was Pearl Harbor all over again. Like he was around when Pearl Harbor was attacked.

The high school and the middle school are getting into the swing of sports. They have a couple games under their belt and they are off and running. The football is undefeated and are starting to get swelled heads. My juniors bet me $500 that they will win their game this weekend. (they are playing a team that has not won a game in years) I had to turn them down not because they did not have the money but I do not have $500 to throw away. One of our middle school players is out for the season with a torn ACL. The team does not think they will win any more games. They do not have faith in themselves.

A group of my middle school students were in a 4 wheeler accident this past weekend. It was dark and they were trying to rope a deer but they ran into the ditch. No major injuries but they did learn a lesson. If you are going to rope a deer do it in the daylight.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Does Baylor look like baby Johonna???

You all know that I am a picture buff and now that Baylor is starting to look like a little human I decided to see if he looks anything like Johonna did when she was little. Take a look.

JohonnaBaylor Baylor
Johonna Baylor Johonna

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Lessons of School

We have been in school for 3 weeks and it is already time for progress reports. What student is failing in the first 3 weeks. Well we had some close but no one had any F's but we did have a few with D's. You would think that in a small school that students would know what homework is. I had a student tell me "In grade school we corrected our papers so if I did not have it done then I just socred it like I did a good job on it" Well not in high school. I am not a big giver of homework we usually have time in class to get everything done but some teachers do give a fair share. Of course my freshman student did not understand the purpose. Well, I told him, sometimes you need to take work home. His father is a rancher and I reminded him that his father's is not always done in a 8-5 day.

Today our seniors took the ASVAB. When an Army representive is here to give the test the students get all nervous. I told them yesterday that we use the test to help determine what type of career is a fit for them. One of the girls said "Are they going to use our scores to draft us" I told her that only the boys have to sign up for the draft unless congress makes some major changes.

We had our first football and volleyball games last week. I have no idea if we won or not because I was busy with my class running the concession stand. I was so proud of how hard my kids worked. (Yes I did tell them) We were busy making hambugers, chirizos, popcorn, and other concession stand food. One thing we did learn, when you spill the popcorn oil on the floor it is very slick. We were slipping and sliding all over the place but we did make $200.00.

This year we have 13 middle school students. I love teaching middle school students. They are a little scared and they do not act like they know it all. At least with computers. They are very good playing games but not typing. They have had years to learn to type wrong and now it is my job to change them. What a task. I have them right after lunch so sometimes they are a little hyped up on some kind of surger and they always have to go to the bathroom during class. It is just the way it is.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Jordan Valley News

Deer Flies will byte. I had no idea

The girls won their firt volleyball game. This year all the girls in the school are playing. There are 8 girls on the team.

It has been hot in Jordan Valley. This entire week my class room has been in the 80's at the start of the school day. This is with the air conditioner running all night.

Yesterday we had lighting and 3 fires. Soon after the fires started the rain came and put out the fires.

The students are tired that for two weeks they have had to go to school Mon-Friday instead of Mon-TH. What would they do if they went to school in the city where they always go to school 5 days a week.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Is she anything like Michelle?

On my last trip to Portland I was visting with Michelle and her family and Luke asked me: "Is Jo like Michelle was when she was little?" I am not sure what I said but I have been thinking about this over the last couple of weeks. When Michelle was young I spent a lot of time with her. She would come to Granny's house just to hang out, swim in the little pool, and anything else we could think of. One main similarity is that Granny and I loved just watching Michelle being Michelle. I have noticed on my visits that Poppa and Grammy also love to watch Jo and the simple silly things that she does.

It is clear that both these little girls are the apple of their mother's eyes. They both seem to like to cuddle and give lots of kisses and hugs.

Granny would do her nails every day and Michelle like to have her nails done as well. You can see in this picture that Granny finds something funny.

Michelle liked to look at pictures of herself. Before the iphone days we kept pictures in a photo album.

Michelle loved to look at books. She was not picky on who should read the books to her whoever was available would be drafted for the task.

I think that Jo is like Michelle was when she was young. Only time will tell if Johonna will be the wonderful mother, wife, and all around great gal that her mother is!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where Have I Been

I really have not been doing anything special. It was summer break and I do not have regular access to the internet. I know not a good excuse but let me catch you up.

My big events for the summer were two trips to Portland. The first was to see my brother, his wife and son and everyone else. We do keep in touch online but is it nice to have a hug.

My sister Nancy hosted a dinner and baby shower for her daughters.

Here are the five "Ellis" kids on the right. And below are all the grandkids (missing Meagan and Trish) and great grand kids.

The pregos.

Below is little Johonna showing her doll the cake. Johonna is into frosting.

My second trip was to meet my Great Newphew Baylor Blitz. It has been a long time since I have held a day old baby. His head is so small and perfect I gave him my nickname of BB. I am sure it will not last. On the right is me and little Baylor.

Below is the new family. Luke Baylor, Johonna and Michelle Middlebrooks.

Here is Johonna holding her brother Baylor. Right after this picture Johonna pushed Baylor on to the pillow when her mother asked what surprises Aunt Laurie brought.

Now for Jordan Valley:

School has started again in Jordan Valley. This is day 3 with students and we already have a lice breakout. The student response to this news was Ohhhh. Kept them away from us. I must agree with them.

The students think that summer was too short. I was shocked that they did not miss me at all. I am not sure that I really missed them. I do have many that kept in touch during the summer through texting. Maybe this is why I did not miss them.

Before school started we have a major fire about 10 miles out of town. The school grounds were full of US Forest Fire crews. (eventho we do not have trees) One of my students was telling me today that they lost 3 cows that were not able to get out of the way of the fire. So sad!!

The fair and rodeo in Boise are keeping the students up to late. After pratice they head out to the city to enjoy the events. When I asked them why the response was "Girls" That is a teenage boys mind for ya.

Good news is that cattle prices are way up!! To some of my seniors that plan to take over their family ranches next year this means lots of money. At least until the cattle prices go back down then they will give the ranches back to their parents and look for gold somewhere else.

After 3 short days the students are already complaining about hot lunch. Tacos, Spaghetti, and today Hot Dogs are not what they are hungry for. One girl said today I am glad I have peanut butter and jelly for lunch. I am just glad that I always go home for lunch.

This year we have more students. We have 13 in the middle school, 6 in the freshmen class, 4 in the sophomore (they have one girl now. Homecoming is looking hopeful for a princess) 6 juniors, and 8 seniors. Grand total 37 up from 26 last year.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Little things sometimes mean the most.

As many of you know I was never able to have children because of my early onset of Polycistic Ovaries. I must admit at first it really did not sink in because I was not married and I did not want to raise a child by myself. (I think being a single parent would be the hardest job in the world) Since I cannot have children maybe this is why I love teaching children. I have said before in this blog how much I enjoy my job but I do not know if I would be a good teacaher and parent. Today some students were stroking my ego and I realize that the little things I do sometimes seems like a very big thing to a student. (Jordan Valley Student Body pictured to the right)

For Example:

I try to greet every student as they enter my class. A good morning or good afternoon always brings a smile to their face. Asking them how their day is going or how was lunch also are good conservation starters. At the end of class I always tell my studentsto have a good rest of the day. I call them dear and sweetie and I always tell them to drive carefully if I know they are going somewhere.

I have been know to give my students Nike stuff. (Thank you Michelle!)I found some Nike lanyards that I had at the house and I brought them to school. The kids loved them. By the end of the day most of the students had USB drives and keys on a new black Nike lanyard. Of course if they wanted one they had to set a school goal and meet it!

I have also been known to by treats. This week it was strawberries. It is true that young kids will eat fruit. All you have to do is give it to them.

When I was in town on Monday a student asked if I could pick up a bag of dog food. No big deal since I was going anyways. You would think that I saved her dogs lives. She told me that I do to much for the kids and her dogs. I never really gave it much thought in this town it is comman to pick things up for neighbors.

Today was really something special. About 20 years or so a go one of my former students was serving in Operation Desert Storm. As a typing assignment I had my students type letters and prepare care packages for this student. As a daughter of a career marine I realized how nice it is for them to get letters from home. This morning the son of this past student told me that his dad saved every one of the letters that my class wrote. I was so surprised that he saved the letters. I never really thought that such a small task would be so special.

Now of course I sound like a real hero in these stories which I do not mean to do. I feel like I am just doing little things but sometimes they really make someone feel special. I tell my students that when you give you get back much more than you give. I have found this not only with my students but with all of you wonderful neices and newphews. A babysitter book here and there, or maybe a quilt or cross stich. Or maybe a trip to the beach or a movie. These seem such a little jester but the looks of surprise of your faces are priceless!!!

Thank you all for the love and respect that you have given me over the years. I am so blessed to call you family!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Count your Blessings

I have always known that I had a wonderful childhood. I did not have to worry where we were going to live, if there was going to be any food in the house, or if I was loved by my parents. Being a teaching for 26 years I have seen a lot of different family situations. Some good, some surprising, and many different from how my family life was. I tell the kids that when we are born we do not come with an instruction book so parents are on their own triying to figure out how to raise their children. I try to not judge a parents situation however something happen yesterday that made me stop and count my blessings.

I have a student that is a senior. His parents are divorce and for most of his life he lived he lived with his mother in Bosie. Last year he moved to Jordan Valley to live with his dad and grandfather. Like many teenagers his father and him have had some disagreements over the years. Yesterday this student came to class early. I could tell that he was not himself. He told me that the night before he had an argument with his father about his ripped pants. (I had told him that if he brought me the pants the next day I would fix them for him) According to my students the argument got bad fast because his father was drunk. I guess the father took a swnig at my student who was able to move out of the way. Fearful of what he might do my student left and went to a freinds house. My student and I called his mother to explain what happen and she decided that she did not want her son to go back to his father's home. With only five weeks of school left what is there to do?? After a few minutes of calling around we found a place for my student to stay at for the remainedr of the school. Thank goodness our little town has a big heart.

This Easter I am reminded how lucky I was and am . There never was a time that I did not feel love from my parents. Loosing my father at the age of 18 was not a joy but I knew he loved me. Now I live in a community where I could ask for help for anything. I feel love and acceptance from my family. I am blessed, truley very blessed thanks to all of you!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Teaching Moment of the Day

During the last hour of school it is my prep. I am to use the time to work on class stuff but a lot of times I have students that ask to work in my room. I am not joking myself I know that they just want to see if the computers will let them use facebook. Today I was working on my computer when I heard a strange noise. I turned to my student Dustin and ask what he was doing. He said: "I am blowing the cheese out of my switch blade" My response was: "Oh ok" I guess I have been teaching in a small school too long. It does not concern me when a student has a switch blade or pocket knife in their pocket. Of course usually they do not need to clean the cheese off of their knives. Most of the time I never know they have them. And yes, in case you were wondering we do have students that usually have some type of gun in their car especially duirng hunting season.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Jordan Valley Updates (yes again)

1. Guess what? It is snowing. I am sittingin my classroom and it the is last period of the day and it is a mini blizzard out side. We did have a few days of good weather (rain and some sun) but now the snow is back. Just in case I thought it was going to stop, it is perdicted to snow tomorrow. 2. Be glad you are not the middle school students they have a track meet today! 3. The seniors and some juniors are on a biology trip. This year they went to San Francisco. I hope they find lots of fish, birds, and plants to study since they have to keep a log on these items. 4. Some ranches have been turning out their cattle. This means that they move the cows form their home ranches to range land. The range could be write down the street or many miles away. This morining I had a student that was late. I asked "Why are you late" His reply was "We had to move cows" Does this mean that they need to pack for them and call a moving van? No not really. They may call a semi truck or if it is close by they just turn the cows loose on the road and move them down the road to their new home. 5. For my birthday one of my students made a bunch of cupcakes that said "Happy 50 Birthday Miss Ellis We Love You" Not only was I surprised by the juster but I was also surprised that we had enough cupcakes for the entire school. The students told me that she did cupcakes instead of a cake because she knows that I am diabetic and that I would not eat a big piece of cake. She was right. I guess these students know me way to well. 6. Not much else going on, and yes it is still snowing! Love to you all!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

24 hours in Jordan Valley

During the last 24 hours a lot of things have happened. I guess it is the time of year but here are the highlights.

1. We had snow. Again. Eventho it is just a couple inches it is the bitter wind that makes the day rough. I have new windows in my classroom but they do not shut all the way so when the wind blows we all are reminded that it is not spring yet.

2. Student saves calf: Last night about 11:00 pm one of my students went to check on a cow that he figured would have her calf soon. When he got out there the calf was laying in a pile of snow. Why the cow did not think to have the calf a few feet to the right or left on dry ground my student did not know. The calf was still wet and was freezing so my student took the calf inside to warm it up by the fire. After the calf was dried and warmed up my student returned the calf to his mother. The mother was angry and ran after my student. It was a good thing he was on a 4 wheeler because he said that he would not have been able to out run the cow. I guess even mommy cows are protective of their young. All are doing well.

3. The Jordan Valley school district has an outbreak of Lice. About 12 students were sent home fromt he high school and elemetry school because they had head lice. The high school kids were excited to miss school. According to them it is better than a snow day. They were told to stay home until they long longer had any lice. It can take up to 7 days to get rid of the lice and eggs. They may be excited now but wait until they see all the school work they will be missing.

4. Track began. It was not nice according to the students to run in the wind and snow. Today should be better.

5. I went to town (Nampa) to pick up some medicine. The doctor's office called in the wrong amount so the pharmacy was not able to fill it. 120 miles round trip just to find out that there was a mistake. I did make good use of my time and go food shopping. I got the kids some drinks (gatorade, juce, and Ice sparkleing water), muffins and candy. They were on a surger high today. I spoiled them and then sent them to their next class. Kinda like being an Aunt or Grandmother!

6. My students and I hope that tomorrow is a better day!!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Granny Gertrude Smith on Faith

Most of our family would admit that my mother had a strong faith. She used her faith to help her through the tough times and was greatful for her faith during the good times. But where did my mom get her faith? From her parents Gerturde and Peter Smith. Over the years I heard my mom talk about her parents faith but it really hit home recently when I found some excerts from letters that my Granny wrote to her daughter Barbara during WWII. (Peter and Gertrude Smith on the left)

On October 22, 1942 she worte:

....I heard a story not long ago that mede me wonder if I and my children always thanked God for his blessings. It seems God sent the angles to earth one night with large baskets to gather up all the desires and requests of mankind. They came back with innumerable basketfulls. And then he sent them back to gather up the thank you's. I guess every one was so happy in getting his prayers answered or so disappointed in not they forgot because the angles went back with only 3 basketfulls. It's just a story of course but it made me wonder. I have had the occasions duirng the last six months to ask God for many things and they include everyone of you children and I've been very careful to say THANK YOU, LORD sometimes with laughter in my voice and sometimes with tears running down my cheeks....

This message really hit home. I am not sure that I remember the thank you's!! At the time my Granny wrote this she had two sons in the Navy (Bob and Don), a daughter headed for the WAVES (Martinia) and a second daughter accross the country with her husband (Barbara). About a year after this letter on November 24, 1943 Don's ship was sunk in the South Pacific. Waiting for news was a hugh strain on my grandparents and their childen. On December 17, 1943 they did receive word from the Navy that Don was missing. My Granny wrote on the day: "God grant he is alive. I think he is." (Donald Peter Smith pictured on the right)

on February 10, 1944 with still no official word from the Nave she wrote:

I seem to have come to the end of my road. My shoulders are weighed down with a heavy burden. I am dead inside. My reason tells me there is no hope. But something else says nothing is impossible with God. He can bring him back even if everyone says he is gone. I may be waiting for ships that never come in but I'll always be waiting.

A month later on March 4, 1944 she wrote:

As I look at it there is only one avenue of hope left for me concerning Don. I've done everything I can thon of. Now it's up to God. If it isn't--I don't think of that. I can't bear to think of what the rest of my life would be without him. Sometimes I think I just can't bear to wait any longer. But there isn't anything I can do except cry and after awhile I calm down. God is surely testing me.

After receiving final word from the Navy on March 28, 1944 she wrote:
I can not believe Don is not coming back. It seems to me I would feel it if he is dead. And I don't. Although we may have heard from the navy something seems to remind me that we haven't heard from God yet---

Never having the honor of having children I will never fully understand the ups and downs of loosing a son. I can only imagine it is one of the most earth shattering things that a parent can go through. How would anyone deal with troubled times like this if they did not have any faith at all? My Granny died when I was 9 and I never had the opportunity to discuss faith with her. My mom always told me that faith is a gift from God one of the most precious gifts you will ever receive!! I thank my grandparents for showing my mother how to rely on her gift of faith and I thank my mother for passing this gift on to me and her grandchildren!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What is New

Today the boys basketball team leaves to take part in the district basketball tournement. They will be leaving at 9:00 am which means we will have 10 students left at school. You talk about one one one teaching!

The last few days have been warm and sunny but we are getting ready for a snow storm to come later today. The forcast that we will have snow through next monday.

Because of the students being gone we will not have school tomorrow. (Which means a 4 day weekend!) As a teacher I even like these "no school" days. I plan on sleeping in and then who knows.

Plans are in the works for Prom which will be at the end of April. Do you realize how hard it is to find dates for the boys when there are only 5 girls in the high school? If you know of any possible dates please e-mail me resumes.

Baby calves are popping. According to my ranching students lots of babies are being born. Of course cows go into labor usually in the middle of the night and in the cold. This means some of the ranching boys are tired from being up all night. They do not need to be there when the cow gives birth but they do need to be close by when it is cold. If it is below freezing then the baby calf could freeze so the ranchers need to be close by to dry the calf off and bring it in to the warmth.

A new round of colds are going through the school. I think I may have one. After all teaching is a high risk job for colds.

The school has been flying by. It is hard to believe that school will be out in less than 3 months.

Monday, January 31, 2011

More Jordan Valley News

1. Last week my student Matt returned to school. It is amazing that just 3 months after his stroke he is back at school. Getting around is not a big problem. He has a cane that he will use some of time but he does not need it all the time. His arm is still not used much. I noticed that when he sits he will stretch out his hand. He is at school 2 days a week and then he go to physical therapy the other 3 days. His biggest problem is still talking. He knows what he wants to say but it is hard for his to say or write it. He does have a word book and he will show me what he wants to say. Today for the first time he used the computer. He played a game but at least he was using the mouse and keyboard. It is amazing how people can recover.

2. In Personal Finance the students were to do a worksheet on simple interest. However the conservation centered around Big Foot, Spider Bears, and other creatures of the real or unreal world.

3. A student was telling me today that when a cow has not feed her calf you can tell because it looks like her bag is going to burst. I guess this student has a cow like this during the weekend. He looked in the field for the calf to no success. The next day he was ridding his four wheeler and found the calf. It had fallen in a badger hole and all he could see was the calf's head. He got the calf out of the hole and took him back to his mother. Everything was doing good however this morning he again notice that the cow's bag was full and the calf was no where to be found. The kids tell me that cows are dumb. I am thinking that they may be right.

4. The middle kids won their ball game this weekend against Harper. The high school also won. They even got to eat at Subway on the way home. If you live in a town with no fast food this really is a treat.

5. The kids are on the mend. However some are still sick with colds. I have them all sit as far from me as possible.

6. We had snow this morning. Last week we had lost of sunshine. I guess it still is winter but.....

7. Health is learning about eating right. We researched fad diets last week. The most interesting according to the kids was the tape worm diet. It is when you eat a tape worm so you will loose weight. Why anyone would go to this extreem is strange. The kids say it must be true because it is on the internet.

Friday, January 21, 2011


The cows that were stuck on the island have been saved. The water went down enough that they were able to walk off the island. No cows were hurt!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


It has been a long time since I have blogged so I decided to catch you up with some tidbits of what has been going on in the big town of Jordan Valley, Oregon.

1. Everyone is sick. I was out all last week witht he flu and now the students are starting to fall. Yesterday 1/3 of our students were gone. With only 35 students in the school that does not leave many students in classs.

2. We have had some flooding around the area. On of my students has 8 cows that are stranded on an island that was created when the field flooded. There is about 8 feet of rushing water around the island. The cows are not able to get off the island (I guess they are not good swimmers) and there is no way to get food to them. My student thinks that they can last a week or so without food. On the bright side, he does not have to worry about hauling water to them.

3. My student Matt that had a stroke is now out of the hospital. He was at our last basketball game which was a very welcome site. He is able to walk with a cane but he still is only able to say a few words.

4. I bought gas at the local Shell station at lunch today. When I got back to school I had several students mention that I bought gas in town. (I usually do ot buy gas in town). I did not realize how quick the rumor mill worked in Jordan Valley.

5. Progress reports go out on Monday so students are rusing to get all of their assignments in so they will not be ground from basketball. Basketball is a very big motivator in this town. This year we do not have enough girls in the high school to have a team so the girls have been playing with the JV Boys team. We have two girls with black eyes and one with stitches in her lip. I guess it is safe to say that the girls are learning to play aggressive basketball.

6. My across the street neighbor got a new cow dog puppy. He is a little butterball so of course his name is Slim. Turkey was also suggested as a possible name.

7. This weekend (Friday and Saturday) we have two home basketball games. These games are the only social event in Jordan Valley. The little kids start at noon, and the high school games start at 4:00. In between a potluck. What better way to spend the weekend.

8. In personal finance class today we were talking about home mortages. One of my students said he was going to build a home of mud and sticks and he would not have a home mortage. I reminded him that most women now a days usually wanted a home with running water. He advised me that the creek could run through the house to provide running water. Think how nice this would be she would not even have to go out of the house to fetch the water. I hope he never marries.

9. Love is not in the air. So far today we have two breakups. This is hard to take for the guys when there are only 5 girls in the high school. I guess the girls have a bigger choice on a replacement.

10. The school year is more than half over. January and February are the worst months for school in Jordan Valley. The students are busy with school work and basketball six days a week. Practice is over at 6 and for some they have more than an hour to drive home or ride on the bus. Like a large family that is locked up in the house together the kids start to fight over little things. Drama is at a high among the students and staff. Maybe this world of mine would make a good soap opera!